Extreme Networks
Extreme Networks
is a networking company based in San Jose, California. Extreme Networks designs, develops, and manufactures wired and wireless network infrastructure equipment and develops the software for network management, policy, analytics, security and access
Extreme Networks
products focus on access / edge, the campus core, and the data center; and across all of these segments are applications, services, and support to ensure optimal end-to-end service delivery and the highest customer satisfaction.

The network edge is where digital transformation is won or lost. It's where your organization engages customers, where mobile transactions occur, where IoT devices connect, and where you make the first stand against cyber threats. Extreme's Smart OmniEdge network solution provides a unified wired/wireless infrastructure for cloud or premise deployment, augmented with AI-powered applications and managed through a single pane of glass. The result? A network that delivers a consistent customer-driven experience, contains costs, and enables competitive advantage through innovation and rapid new service delivery.
The enterprise campus has become one of the most vexing environments in which to manage IT. You need to rapidly onboard BYOD users and Internet connected devices, quickly deploy the new digital technology that your organization requires, prevent cyber-attacks at every entry point, and do it all while delivering a consistent and personalized user experience. Extreme's Automated Campus solution makes it all possible with simplicity, security, and intelligence that are second to none.
The data center is at the heart of your enterprise network and the engine that powers new applications and business capabilities. But it can be complex and challenging to adapt and scale, requiring management of a wide range of skill sets and vendors. Extreme Networks' Agile Data Center solutions deliver the automation, visibility, and flexibility needed to make digital transformation a reality.